On Wednesday the year 8's had Graduation at the Pakuranga sailing club, we had first taken photo's of the class, than we had eaten and also had dessert. Than Mr Grady had handed out the graduation certificate's and also had to go one at a time. Then we had to dance with a partner to music and also had to switch with a new partner.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson, and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
2016 - Reflection
This is my 2016 reflection of Ls2, this is a college about what had happened in 2016, it also has photo's of our class out of school grounds as well. Zahn and I had made this and we had chosen our favourite photo. This year has been very great because we had done a lot of stuff over the pass year. These photo's are meant to be one of my favourite times as well has Zahn's favourite photo's this year and had the best time this year.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Today we had watched the finally part of the movie before making this DLO, we had watched the movie Labyrinth which is great family movie watch. This DLO explain's pretty much what I was going to say and was easier to make, The movie was a good movie and everyone was excited to watch the movie.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tahuna Torea Trip
On Tuesday we had went to Tahuna Torea to learn about Godwit/Kauka and this DLO shows what had happend at Tahuna Torea. We had walked into the bush lands to look if we could see our topic Godwits and had went in a hole class to see if we could found some. The weather was nice and the view was beautiful, it was a fun trip and we had also went with Ls1. We had explored the wild and found a lot of other insects in the bush walk.
Tahuna Torea,
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Tamaki College - Collage
This is my collage about what we were doing at Tamaki College, we were with Mr Dunn all day making rockets, we had made different types of rockets, as we made straw rockets and paper rockets. Mr Dunn had also launched his paper rocket, which was a miss fire, then didn't really go high and then we tired out Mrs Ferguson rocket which was 3D and that went really high after a while we couldn't see it any more and it didn't come down.
Tamaki College
Rockets - Tamaki College
On Friday Ls2 had to make rockets with Mr Dunn at Tamaki College, we also had to stay at Tamaki College for the hole day. First we had to make straw a straw rocket that we shootout with another straw. On some of the slides it has information about the results that we got for the straw rockets, Mr Dunn had measured it in centimeters.
Tamaki College
Friday, 25 November 2016
On Thursday we had another session of hockey we had done some warm up games, with Carly which was our instructor, Carly had tought us how to dribble and how to steal a another ball, from someone else. Then we had a another challenge to see how much juggles you can do with hockey stick and ball. Then our last game we had to steal another peoples ball of them and hit it out of the square, everyone had a lot of fun.
Athletics Day
Today we had Athletics day, we had played fun actives with the Tamaki College students, who helped us do Athletics. We had been split into 3 groups for year 8's and had to go to the same activity, the first game that we had played was rob the nest, luckily our team had came first. The 2nd game was fill your bucket up with a sponge, and we luckily won again and the 3n d game was long jump, but we came 2nd. The 4th game was shot put and we had came last. Then our last game was to, throw the hula hoop, onto one of the 3 objects, it was a bucket, cricket stumps and then a stick. Everyone had to encourager people to have a turn and also have fun, we all had positive attitude, a special thanks to Tamaki College, teacher and Mr Ogivlie.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Godwit/ Kuaka

Today the year 8's were working with Mrs Anderson about the Godwits, we had to make a story board about there to Alaska and back to New Zealand. First we had to make sketch noting about what they do and how they are so interesting, and how they can do it. This mostly about how they migrate and how they do it, this was also made on Story Board That.
Story Board,
Friday, 18 November 2016
Today we had hockey, it was our first session, for our warm up we played a game of octopus and also did dribbling and passing side to side. We played traffic light it was a fun game and then for our last warm up we had to bounce the hockey ball of the hockey stick. We had learnt to hold the hockey stick and then for our last game we had played a game of hockey, we got spilt in half, then they had to call out a number than the first people in the line had to go.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Godwit/Popplet - Facts
Today we were doing inquiry and were had to learn about one of the most interesting birds I have ever learned about. It was the God wit bird, its a very cool bird iv'e ever seen and one of the most best flying birds iv'e seen. I really liked to learn about the God wit because it is very interesting to learn about and I also made this on Popplet.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Manaiakalani Commenting
Today I had just commented on some of the Manaiakalani films from schools, I have commented on Room 1, from Panmure Bridge School and Room 7 from Glenbrae. I had commented on these blogs because they were very funny and had me caught into the film. All of the manaiakalani flims were great, but I commented on these because they were my favourite.
Blog Commenting,
Monday, 7 November 2016
Paper Plane
Today my group had redesign the best flying plane in our group than vs other groups, in my group Oh'sen had remade his plane from last week. Also I was the one who was the best thrower in my group. So my group had chose me to throw the plane and Thomas had also won the paper plane game. This was also for maths, I also had came 3rd and it was measured in meters and also thanks to my group we wouldn't have won if we didn't work as a team. We all had a load of fun.
Paper Plane
Friday, 4 November 2016
Paper Plane Activity
Yesterday Mrs Anderson had made groups than we had to make paper planes as a group and fly them. Our group had test flights to see who paper plane would go furthers and we also saw which plane would go into the hole in the park. We all had fun and also our topic this term was flight so I hope we do some more fun activities. We were trailing our planes testing and our challenge was to see who plane would go the furthers.
Paper Plane,
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Neil Armstrong Timeline
Today I have just finished doing my work and this time I choose Neil Armstrong because he as done something really cool for his country. If you don't know who Neil Armstrong, he is one of the first person to walk on the Moon. It has most of the facts that he had done in his life, I had also made this on popplet.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Jean Batten Timeline
Today I had just finished doing the inquiry that was set for us, we had to make a timeline about Jean Batten. The topic that was set for this term was flight and how she accomplished the world record, I had also made this on popplet.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Blog Comments
Today I had just finished commenting on all of Eric's blog post, I had to comment on a load of his blog post's. We go with a partner than comment on all of there October blog post and also he had a lot of information on his blog. I had fun commenting on his blog post because I had learnt a lot his blog post. I had helped just a little bit because he had made some mistake on some of his blog post's.
Blog Commenting
Wright Brothers
Today me and my partner had made a DLO about the Wright Brothers, this task was set by Mrs Kirk Patrick. We did this because we had to find out what they had achieved and Mrs Kirk Patrick, had showed us a site and then we had to write information into the details. If you did not knew who the Wright Brothers are they were the first to achieve flight.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Cyber Smart - Rugby
This is my Cyber smart DLO that I made, first we had to go onto a site that selects a letter, the letter that came out was R, so I had a think about it and the first thing that came to my mind was rugby, So I choose rugby. Then we had to get some questions for our slides that we are doing, but we had to do sketch noting on paper. Next we had to make a slide show then add the question we did on paper, then I had to find what the answer was. They last step was to add more slides like facts and more.
Cyber Smart,
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Cyber Smart
Today John had been telling me what we had learnt and how to use the sites, some people went to the library to learn from Mrs O, then the students that had went told the people who didn't go. John had also showed me a site, which was called Epic, which lead to Kids info bits and Britannica.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Rhythm Interactive
Today the Seniors had went to the hall and played with drums, Lucy and Johnny had come to school to teach us. We had to copy them when they played the drums and Lucy and Johnny had also been to other schools as well as going to other country's.
Rhythm Interactive,
Friday, 14 October 2016
Water only in school
Today Gozan and I had to do a DLO about water only in school. It is about what water means and why we need it. We also had to tell whats different between Hydration and Dehydration, it also says information about how water helps you and why it is important to drink water everyday.
Water only in school
Thursday, 13 October 2016
E-Ako Maths
Today we did E-ako maths as a warm up game. Today I practiced my place value and fractions. Next time I might I will have to do more of my fractions because I am not really getting fractions. Place Value is a little bit easier but still needs working on.
E-Ako Maths,
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Harris Burdick Pictures
Today for writing we got showed photos of Harris Burdick pictures, we had to choose 3 photos than write a Narrative about the photo. This was made by Gozan and I, then Gozan and I had to choose 3 pictures and we did 1 and a half of writing.
Today for writing we had to write a story about the pictures, by Harris Burdick and we were trying to practice our writing and for the first one I had to do and it was the mad witch trying to scare away kids. The next slide Gozan had to and it was about a boy named George who had a great talent by singing at church and school. The last I did with the help with Gozan and story was about a family who went on a trip in a forest and found some kind of lizard dragon.
Today for maths we had to play quizizzes Ls2 had to all join and play with partner and the first game that we played was timetables and the place that I came was 11th. Then it was the next match I had came 24th I didn't really do that well. But Daniel was way to fast and came 1st on two of them and on the game we would have to answer question, then on the last one we had to do subtraction and plus.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
School Duffy
Today was school Duffy and the visitors that had came to our school was Henry and the sponsor of the Duffy books Mainfreight. Everybody had got there books and the books that I had got was Spirit Animals and Goosebumps. Henry had told everyone how he read books and some information about role models and everyone was very excited ab out there books when they saw there books, before all this Henry had been the start of the statue of origins and was on tv 3 and Maori television.
Blog Commenting
Today ls2 had to do some commenting on ls1 people and as you can see commented on Brianna, Mataio and then Freeman. I really liked there blogging because it had very long blurbs and you could even blog on there one, on the ls1 site.
Blog Commenting,
Thursday, 8 September 2016
This is our reading we had to do today, first we had to read a book and make a DLO about fast facts and we had to write some information on it so it gives us some information about the book. Then we have to make a Main idea DLO then write the main ideas in the story and that we had to make a fast fact DLO so we remember some ideas from the story.
Fast Facts,
Main Idea,
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country,
Today in maths we did decimals and our Li: I am learning about decimals to one place and we had to do a worksheet about decimals and fractions. We had to colour in the squares, we also had ones like 2.4 so we had to do 3 tenths of boxes then fill them in. We also had to do decimals smallest to biggest and we also had to do some up to 100 boxes.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Read Theory
Today we did read theory, we have to read stories that they put on it and as you can see I am on the rank scholar, I have took 211 quizzes and have earned 2553. When we read a story we have to answer stories when we have finished reading it and I will need just a little more coins before I can rank to the next rank.
Link:http:Read Theory
Friday, 2 September 2016
Scratch Tech
This is my scratch game that I made at Tech by the help of Mrs Anderson/Tech Teacher, this is my best game yet on scratch. You have 3 life's before the game is over and im going to add some more levels and some more stuff to the game.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Sketch Noting
This is my sketching drawings about what are questions, the olympics and the what Rio/Brazil is like, the first one I did was the question one. First we had to do the 5 w's, as you can see the 5 w's is the key to learning and the other one was the olympic one we had to do something like a chain. It goes like this we win the rowing finals then get our medals then listen to our anthem then live proud. The last we did was information about Rio, It as the beach and the sun because it is hot and a map of Brazil.
Sketch Noting,
Cross Country Training
Ls2 and ls1 are training for cross country, we had to do 5 - 6 laps around the school, some people wanted to time them self so Mr Ogilvie time just some people to see want your time is then see if our time gets better. Zahn got under 10 minutes and first we had to do some stretches so we don't get any injures when we are running.
Cross Country,
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
This is about Hauora its about the 4 walls and it has alot of information about the 4 walls, so this is what we were doing in the last 2 weeks. I really liked this because it teaches me about the things that I should be doing in my life.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Olympic Art
This is my art, we had to use all kind shapes I used a circle and made the Olympics rings and used lines, The colors that I used was cool colors. It was dark blue, light, purple, light pink, light green and dark green and the Olympic person that used was a swimmer
I will put into the box
A book that imagines me of flying
That reminds me about sun and moon looking at me
The smooth feeling of the cover of the book.
I will put into the box
A poppy that honors the Anzac soldiers.
The feeling of happiness when I see it.
With the most beautiful lady wearing a poppy.
I will put into the box
the New Zealand flag to remember my home.
My country’s flag held up.
My box is fashioned from time to time with happiness and delightfulness. It has a special lock on the lid and rare gold in the corners.
Its hinges are secured so that no memories escape
I shall add more memories in my box as I get older and older.
This poetry that we got set and what we had to do, we had to think of a poem about three subjects. We had to say what we were going to put in our box and I did a book, A Anzac Poppy and the New Zealand flag.
Mighty Muscles
Today I just finished editing my work, we had to read a book about muscle and it has that information about muscles. It has some information about that book facts and some of my facts that I have in real life, as you can see on fast facts. It also as steps on what you should do when you have a sore body and also what you should eat if you want to get healthy and bigger muscle.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Today we had a special assembly, the captain of the warriors Ryan Hoffman and John Palavi, also Georgia and Alice from DTR also came. Alice came to our school before and picked people to watch the Warriors and Georgia was the one that was talking to about Hydration, belonging and Sleep. We were split into two teams and on one side was Ryan Hoffman and the other side was John Palavi and Ryan Hoffman chart was Hoffy and John Palavi was JB. People where getting prizes who every got the question right and the prizes that people got was a Warriors bottle and Warriors bag.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Run, Jump, Throw
This week on Thursday we did run, jump, throw with Andy, we did same practice runs. We mostly did long jump and we also had fun. First we got split into groups then we had to see who came first in the group and in our group Zahn came first in our group. Then we had to get everybody that came first to have competition and Zahn came first out of all of them.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Olympics Comparsion
We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation to that we can make an informed opinion we make an informed opinion. Mrs Anderson asked us to think about if we should think about spending a lot of money on Olympic stadiums.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Run Jump Throw
Run, Jump, Throw
Today we did run, jump, throw, with Andy, we had to see which was better, we did heavy feet vs light feet and light feet was better. We also learnt look in straight and run in a straight line and its better to have bend arms and cheek to cheek. The drills that we did was high knees and we had to react fast as well and we also learn how we should start. You will have to stand one meter back from the start. We Andy said on you mark you would have to step up to the line and when Andy set you will also have to bend your arms and legs.
Jump Throw,
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Buddy Reading
Today we did buddy reading this is our second time doing buddy reading with room 3 and room 4, me and Sebastian were reading to Xavier. We showed him how to read the book.
Language Features
Today I just finished doing my DLO it has some information about the language features , Mrs Naicker set this task for us so we know what it means. We did another task about language features, we had to read a story and see what language features it has.
Language Features,
Friday, 5 August 2016
New Zealand Logo
This is me and John's work that we did, we had to make a logo for the New Zealand Olympic emblem, we did the rings and silver ferns with New Zealand. We made this on a google drawing and remember when you take a image attribute, with New Zealand in the middle when used simple colors like white and black.
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