
Wednesday, 6 July 2016

ASB - Get Wise

ASB - Get Wise
Yesterday the year 8's went with Jeremy to talk about saving money and he gave really good points why we should. He was also talking about Jobs and how we could earn money, he was also talking about crossroad. Crossroad is about if we should take the easy road or the hard way. Never take the easy take the hard way so people know that you are a hard working and if you take the easy way people will think that you are a lazy person.
You can also earn money by doing chores at home if you get money at home and could also go around the neighborhood and ask people if they need some help with the lawn or help with weeding the garden. You can also sell stuff like doing a garage sale at your house or trade stuff with your friends. Jeremy was a good instructor about the notes and thanks to Jeremy for coming to our school. 


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